Sunday, December 19, 2010

it's been a while ...

i just realized that it's been months since i updated this blog so i am working on a big post but i thought it would just be really random to randomly post a random post =)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy birthday!

I am officially an old lady JK!
on September 07 was my birthday and i turned 19!
so i had a little dinner and my mom invited the YSA + the missionaries, which was a total surprise to me...

I think i already mentioned the fact that i LOVE photography and pictures! when i was a child i could spend hours looking at pictures or taking pictures and my biggest wish was a good camera but, knowing how expensive they are, i didn't even thought of getting one on my birthday! but tadaaaam my mom and the YSA bought me one!!!! I was like SO happy and i immediately tried it out on my dog and my cat =)

on September 11 we had mine & elder lowe's birthday 'party' (as his birthday was on the 1st of september)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

i'm back!!

I'm back from my 77 different trips (well ok 4 trips)!

1) I went to my best friend's! I hadn't seen her in 4 months or something like that. I went to Utah then she went to Utah for 2 months and as she lives 45min car ride away, we don't see each other very often. Anyways, it was really cool! we spent hours (!!) playing phase 10 and we talked a lot (like a lot a lot)! it was really good because we talked about Utah and our experiences up there, we talked about our stake and some activities we wanted to organize and so on.
one day we decided to take some pictures (as we LOVE photography - not necessarily professional) and it was so much fun. it was kind of weird in the beginning but it was hilarious!

2) I went to Madrid !!! It was the best!! Spain is such a cool country + people are SO nice! it was a blast!!!
!!!!the temple!!!!

Dominican dinner =)
Plaza Mayorthe castle!

3) Rome!!! OMGosh this is one of my favorite places in the whole world!!
it is SO pretty and amazing!!!
i LOVED it!!
the Lupa
the Colosseum
Spanish Steps
Fontana di Trevi
Piazza dei Poppolo (or sth like that)Santa Maria Maggiore

4) Switzerland! i went there for a YSA camp and it was really good! i learned a lot of things and got to know amazing people! i traveled from Italy straight to Switzerland, which made me go through 3 countries in one day: Italy, Germany and Switzerland!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

oh dear tess

So tonight was Jess's leaving party... i am so sad that she is going to leave us! i really like anna but i love jess! we had so much fun together and now what? she's going to TEXAS! texas??!! it is soooo far away! i hope i'll see her in utah or idaho or even texas (no tess not there in texas).
she is one of the funniest girls i know! she's just ... dunno! she's so enthusiastic about everything and she's like a sister to me! i am gonna miss her

dear tess, dunno if u are gonna read this some day but i hope u will!
well crazy girl where should i start? u know i hate goodbyes, that's why i hate transfers and funerals and everything that involves saying 'goodbye' to a loved person. so tonight i wasn't as dramatical or teary-eyed as i thought i was, but i am so sad that u have to go back to texas!!! they don't need u there! we need ya! i need ya to help me planning all those crazy YSA activities. what am i gonna do without u my dear tess??
u are such a wonderful girl. nice and funny and smart! i love that day when we randomly met in town (we were actually going to olivia's) and u were reading! it just made me think of myself and my favorite TV show ever (gilmore girls)!
tess i love love love love you with all my heart!!!
we HAVE to keep in touch ok??
LOVE YA girl
girls just wanna have fun =)



Wednesday, July 21, 2010

what time is it? summer time !

FINALLY!! woot woot summer's started!!!
so a lot has happened in the last 12 days!

1) i saw my bro! he's not really my brother! he's kurtis chad christensen and he served here a couple of months ago and he was like my brother so i call him bro. he left luxembourg in january and i have been hoping, ever since then, that he'd come back and tadaam it happened! he got transfered to nancy-france and he came on their exchanges! he was w/ elder mcternan so we had a lot of fun! it made my week!

2) last week we had our YW's activity at the duffort's (again! they are so nice) and it was so much fun! it was like a scavenger hunt but not really! there were 6 activities and we had to accomplish all of them and it was so much fun!!
trying to figure out what we have to do
trying to throw the pebbles into that thing
walking with a spoon in your mouth
i had to stick my face in the flour and find a candy

bite the apple...
...and lose a tooth!!

marshmallows all over her skirt xD

S'mores =)

3) yesterday went 'geocaching' with the elders! it was hilarious! the sisters came but unfortunately they couldn't stay because the elders were wearing regular clothes! however, we had a blast! we didn't find the 'cache' but we are gonna look for it sometime soon =D
elder mcternan got tired of waiting for his comp'